At GIBS, joining a society is one of the finest ways to make friends, pick up new skills, and gain confidence. For all types of students, GIBS offers a number of societies. Through these societies, students can develop their skills, network, and knowledge, which will make them more adaptable.
The student’s experience at GIBS is corporate-like thanks to the societies there. They conduct business, but on a lower scale. Societies are the ideal venues for students who have never worked in a business environment and want to experience what it’s like. They will get knowledge in event promotion, money management, operating maintenance, and most significantly, managing people. It gives students a ton of incredible opportunities to network with other students, faculty, and leaders in the field. The finest locations to display their hidden abilities or skills or to discover new ones are by participating in them. Students are the ones that drive the societies.
Some significant societies at GIBS enable students to serve as executive members and regularly display their talents by giving back to society. The executive committee of each society will choose and elect the junior students in the first trimester. Additionally, one student may join several societies. There will be a chairperson, president, secretary, and three to four executive members in every society